Modern agricultural projects visited by the president in Maputo province

Take advantage of this technological support and modernize your production” – said Filipe Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique (PR) to farmers and youth from Mahotas who benefited from Gapi’s support for the installation of greenhouses and the use of hydroponic techniques.

The PR of Mozambique urged the producers of the association of “Massacre de Mbuzine” in Mahotas and some young producers not affiliated with the association to maximize the technical and technological support they receive from Gapi and its partners to improve production and productivity in order to reach bigger and better markets.

When visiting the hydroponic greenhouse that Gapi, in partnership with The Master Card Foundation and International Youth Foundation, installed in the Mahotas under the program “Via: Pathways to Work”, Nyusi said that “agricultural activity is one of our government’s bets and we are very hopeful when we see that Gapi is betting on the use of modern technology and the inclusion of youth.”





Interacting with the Head of State, Rui Amaral, coordinator of youth and innovation activities at Gapi, said that “hydroponic greenhouses are the result of the accession of new partners to programs aimed at promoting youth and innovation, focusing on the agricultural sector.” Amaral recalled that “this program is a complement to ‘Agro-Jovem’, funded by DANIDA and launched by His Excellency in 2015, aiming at the creation of a new class of young entrepreneurs. This program has financed more than 60 young people across the country in amounts exceeding 30 million meticais (US$ 500 000) and is being implemented in partnership with 20 higher education and technical-professional institutions.

During this visit, Filipe Nyusi also visited some greenhouses under the development component of the value chains of horticulture under PROSUL, financed by IFAD and implemented by Gapi. While interacting with the president, Lenine Matavele, coordinator of this component for the province and city of Maputo, explained that “with greenhouses and with the use of advanced production and seedling planting techniques   as well as irrigation technology, it is possible to produce all year round, even in a context of climate change and water scarcity “.

Before finishing his visit, the PR still had the opportunity to visit the irrigation area and interact with the producers.

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